The British Council for Therapeutic Interventions With Children Limited (or BCTIWC) is an independent organisation established to protect the public’s interest in the use of play, creative arts and related therapies when used with children, specifically when delivered by Registrants who are entered on the Play Therapy UK (PTUK) Register of Play and Creative Arts Therapists.
Who are we?
The BCTIWC comprises a minimum of five members; the Chair who must be an independent lay person, two play therapists and two lay people. We all have a vested interest in promoting and protecting children’s physical, mental and emotional wellbeing. Our members are former and current teachers and teacher’s assistants, university staff and accredited play therapists.
What do we do?
We regularly audit the PTUK Accredited Register, accredited by the UK Professional Standards Authority (the PSA), to ensure that the data is accurate, transparent, current, unbiased and provides the public with the information needed to choose a safe and effective practitioner to work therapeutically with children or infants.
Audit Complaints
We undertake an annual review of PTUK’s complaints process and PTUK’s response to any complaints they have received. We act as an independent advisor to the PTUK by highlighting areas for improvement and we share our reports with the PSA.
Address Complaints
We can independently address complaints regarding the CEO of PTUK and APAC, make recommendations and report any findings to the PSA. Please see our Complaints Policy for further details.
Review Public Interest
We review the public interest element of the competencies required for the titles: ‘Practitioners in Therapeutic Play’, ‘Play Therapist’, ‘Counsellor of Children Using Play and Creative Arts Therapies’, ‘Filial Play Coach’, ‘Clinical Supervisor of Play and Creative Arts Therapies’ and any others proposed by PTUK. The competencies include those required for the functions of marketing, finance and practice management as well as those of a therapeutic nature.
Review any conflict of Interest
We meet with the directors of PTUK twice a year to scrutinise their activities and ensure that there is no conflict of interest between PTUK and Academy of Play and Child Psychotherapy (APAC). As a governing body and professional association, PTUK requires that all practitioners are on the PTUK Registrar, including those in training with APAC, in order that they can be held accountable to the same high standards of professionalism through the use of quality assurance and clinical supervision. We monitor the activities of PTUK to ensure it is governed in a way that prioritises the safe and effective practice of Play Therapy and not the Directors’ personal interests.
Why do we do this?
Our mission is to ensure that children and young people, many of whom have social, emotional, behavioural or mental health difficulties, can access safe and effective Play Therapy. This is what we mean when we use the term ‘the public interest’. We monitor the activities of PTUK to make sure that professional practitioners’ interests are balanced by the public interest and publish our findings.
Minutes of Meetings
Audits and Review
Current Members
Helen Tozer – Chair and Lay Member
Lorna Lewis – Lay Member
Anna Doherty – Lay Member
Evelyn Saunders – Professional Member
Next Board Meeting
The next meeting will be on Thursday 20th March 2025 at 12pm online. Up to two members of the public, who have an interest in therapeutic interventions for children may attend. If you are interested please email